However, over the years, I have evolved my focus. While I continue to support athletes, my primary purpose is to help people—athletes and non-athletes—improve their relationship with food through intuitive eating.
I have seen how diet culture has upended people's perception of themselves and their health throughout my career. That's why today, I dedicate my career to introducing people to a weight-inclusive, anti-diet approach to nutrition.
This is a movement that many nutrition professionals are adopting. This approach focuses on making positive dietary behavior changes—not weight loss. With HAES® we determine what's right for you and your lifestyle. We evaluate aspects of your health beyond nutrition that directly or indirectly impact it. HAES™ sets the foundation for the work we do with all our clients.
We will work together to make nutritional goals that are attainable and maintainable. We will make peace with what you eat, how you eat, and who you are. No two clients will have the same plan or goals. Everything we develop is curated to your lifestyle.
We will work closely with you to achieve food freedom. That means ditching restrictions and focusing on creating a healthy, natural relationship between nutrition and your body. We strive to make lasting behavioral changes and mindset shifts by putting diets aside. It won't be easy, but we'll be with you at every step.
Leah listened with compassion and created a space to hold my anxiety and frustration while gently reminding me of my goals and progress. She knows not just nutrition, but people and the pain that many of us experience when finally confronting our eating disorder and really understanding what dismantling the self-imposed prison walls means. Throughout our sessions, Leah provided me with resources, exercises and thought-provoking questions coupled with a bit of tough-love when I needed it.